
Learning Bulge Component of Galactic Center $\gamma$-ray Emission with Gaussian Processes

Description: Code used to fit Fermi-LAT data with diffuse templates and a flexible bulge template modeled by a gaussian process. Built from Yitian Sun’s probabilistic programming code to perform fits with SVI.

Source paper: TBD
Code: gcebulge

Wavelet Analysis to Resolve Point Sources in the Fermi-LAT $\gamma$-ray Data

Description: Code that runs a wavelet-based algorithm for detecting point sources in the Fermi-LAT $\gamma$-ray Data.

Source paper: TBD
Code: skysearch

Constraining Dark Matter Subhalos with Gaia eDR3 Wide Binaries

Description: Code used to set constraints on dark matter subhalos using wide binaries.

Source paper: Constraining Dark Matter Subhalos With Gaia Wide Binaries
Code: dmbinaries